Donnie Brasco or not?

The task is simple. There are 6 quotes in this quiz. Some quotes are from Donnie Brasco, some quotes are from other movies. Your job is to decide if the quote is from Donnie Brasco or not:

The downside of coming off junk was I knew I would need to mix with my friends again in a state of full consciousness. It was awful. They reminded me so much of myself, I could hardly bear to look at them.

Dear Dad, you always told me that an honest man has nothing to fear, so I'm trying my best not to be afraid.

All my life I've tried to be the good guy, the guy in the white fucking hat. And for what? For nothing. I'm not becoming like them; I am them.

Twenty years you know a guy, you fuckin' whack him out just like that over a lounge? That's beautiful.

A wise guy's always right; even when he's wrong, he's right.

- Hey... You should fold it.

- What?

- That note. It's a fake, right? You should fold it.

- It's... It's a note from my mom. I have a doctor's appointment.

- Yeah, but there's no crease in the paper. When your mom hands you a note to miss school, the first thing you do is, you fold it and you put it in your pocket. I mean, if it's real, where's the crease?

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