Reservoir Dogs or A Bronx Tale?

Are you a fan of Reservoir Dogs? Of A Bronx Tale as well? Prove it! Select which quote belongs to which movie and see how good you are:

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.

Eddie, you keep talking like a bitch, I'm gonna slap you like a bitch.

Now yous can't leave.

He's wrong, it don't take much strength to pull a trigger but try getting up every morning day after day and work for a living, let's see him try that, then we'll see who the real tough guy is, the working man is the tough guy, your father's the tough guy!

Do you know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses.

People don't love him, they fear him. There's a difference.

I can say I definitely didn't do it because I know what I did or didn't do. But I cannot definitely say that about anybody else, 'cause I don't definitely know.

I don't wanna kill anybody. But if I gotta get out that door, and you're standing in my way, one way or the other, you're gettin' outta my way.

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