Batman Begins or Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Are you a fan of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? Of Batman Begins as well? Prove it! Select which quote belongs to which movie and see how good you are:

Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.

Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you.

But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just... poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed, so you would be spared your pain.

I want you to look at me when I kill you! I want to see the light leave your eyes!

If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

- Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

- You still haven't given up on me?

- Never.

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