Fight Club or The Lion King?

Are you a fan of Fight Club? Of The Lion King as well? Prove it! Select which quote belongs to which movie and see how good you are:

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

- They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh... got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.

- Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.

The things you own end up owning you.

Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?

Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

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