Are you a fan of Die Hard? Of Apocalypse Now as well? Prove it! Select which quote belongs to which movie and see how good you are:
- Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?
- Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.
Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with smaller feet than my sister.
I've seen horrors... horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that... but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means.
We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
- Attention, whoever you are, this channel is reserved for emergency calls only.
- No fucking shit, lady! Does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza?
- Smell that? You smell that?
- What?
- Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that.