Once Upon a Time in America or Snatch?

Are you a fan of Once Upon a Time in America? Of Snatch as well? Prove it! Select which quote belongs to which movie and see how good you are:

In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary... come again?

- So, what you doin here?

- I'm taking the dog for a walk. What's the problem?

- What's in the car?

- Seats and a steering wheel.

I like the stink of the streets. It makes me feel good. And I like the smell of it, it opens up my lungs. And it gives me a hard-on.

You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

I'm not interested in friends from those places, and I don't trust politicians! You're still acting like a street schmuck! You know, if we'd listened to you, we'd still be rolling out drunks for a living!

Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.

We're both getting old. All that we have left now are our memories. If you go to that party on Saturday night, you won't have those anymore. Tear up that invitation.

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